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Seine River Shepherds Comes to the Mill

Published June 13, 2014.
Est. Reading: 1 minute

This week was Seine River Shepherds week at the Mill. In case you haven't heard us raving about them, Seine River Shepherds is a 200 acre sheep farm in Manitoba that spends their summers rotating their sheep along river front pastures and making beautiful, rugged, hand-felted garments. Every spring they load up their trailer with the new clip of wool and a fresh supply of vests and mitts for our shop and they make the trip west....then they go camping for a week while we turn their raw wool into carded batts for felting!


A new supply of felted mitts


And a full selection of beautiful vests!

Its a busy time for us because a full trailer load is a bit more than we could normally do in a week, but everyone rallies, putting in a few extra hours here and there (special thanks goes out to Cindy this year), and it gets done. Then we send the shepherds home again all stocked up for another season of felt making!


The first batch of washing

The first batch of washing





A little pile of batts

A little pile of batts

Mixing up the grey

Mixing up the grey


The trailer all loaded with finished carded wool - see you next year!

Five days later, the trailer all loaded with finished carded wool - see you next year!

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