Weaving is one of those activities that, unfortunately, often gets relegated to the basement. Many looms are big and a bit loud so most people don't want them in their living room. But who really likes sitting in the basement for hours on end?
A few years ago, Fen and Bill had the inspired idea of putting one of the looms outside under a tent for the summer, quickly putting weaving at the top of the list for summer recreation. Located just off the deck, someone can weave while others putter in the garden or visit in the sunshine - the birds, bees, and long prairie vistas constant accompanists to the weaver's steady rhythm.
Now, getting the outdoor loom set-up is the true sign that summer has started at the mill; all the chaos of spring is set aside (gardens and fix-it projects dealt with) and we haul the loom out of storage....let the weaving begin!!