Custom Woolen Mills Logo

Slow Food meets Slow Fibre: June 25th

Published May 30, 2016.
Est. Reading: 2 minutes

We love a good gathering, which is why we are very excited to be partnering with Slow Food Calgary to celebrate the summer solstice and all things slow in the event, Slow Food meets Slow Fibre at Custom Woolen Mills - a 2016 Secret Farm Picnic.




Slow Food Calgary is part of the global Slow Food initiative that works to promote and maintain local food cultures and traditions, and to encourage a revived interest in the food we eat, where it comes from, and how the food choices we make impact the world around us. Guided by the basic philosophy that all people should have access to food that is GOOD (high quality, flavoursome, and healthy), CLEAN (production that does not harm the environment), and FAIR (accessible prices for consumers and fair conditions and pay for producers), they provide education, advocacy, and events in and around the Calgary area. They are a natural partner to Custom Woolen Mills in our own discussions about textiles in a local and global economy.

High Res Slow Food Logo, July 2014



So, join us on Saturday June 25th for great food, drink, music, and discussion. The menu will feature locally sourced whole roasted pig and lamb, and early summer produce. There will be a cash bar and entertainment for the evening. The wool shop will be open, and the mill will be accessible for viewing. The event starts at 5pm and goes into the long summer evening. A bus ride out from Calgary is available if you don't wish to drive; it will be leaving from Hillhurst Sunnyside Community Association at 4pm and returning at 9:30pm. You can purchase tickets for the dinner and bus ride here through Eventbrite.




June 25th is also our monthly open Last Saturday at the Mill and we will be offering guided tours during the afternoon prior to the Slow Food event. If you want a full-day outing, come out early, catch a guided tour, and stay for the dinner and music! Make sure to RSVP for the afternoon tour by contacting us as well as purchase your dinner ticket from Slow Food.

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