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2017 All Canada Sheep Classic - Red Deer, Alberta

Published April 6, 2017.
Est. Reading: 1 minute

The All Canada Sheep Classic is coming to Alberta! The event, which is a joint effort of the Canadian Sheep Breeders Association and the hosting Alberta Sheep Breeders Association, is the premiere showcase and sale for pure-bred sheep from across Canada. This year, its running June 29th to July 1st in Red Deer at the Westerner Park Exhibition Grounds.

If you have ever been interested in owning a flock of sheep yourself, add this event to the calendar - it is a great opportunity to come see some of the different breeds in top form and speak to the farmers who raise them. The show and judging runs on Thursday and Friday, with the sale on Saturday.

Custom Woolen Mills is also excited to be partnering up with the Canadian Co-operative Wool Growers to run the Sheep Classic's National Fleece Competition and Auction. You can send in a fleece for competition or, if you are a textile artist, get your hands on some top quality fleeces from across Canada.

There will also be a trade fair of industry equipment, feed, and woolen goods. Further details, entry forms, and event schedules can be found through both the Canadian Sheep Breeders and the Alberta Sheep Breeders websites. If you are shearing now, set aside a fleece for the competition!


Thank you to the Canadian Sheep Breeders Association for the photos!

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